Oh my a lot has happened! During my search of high school coaching jobs I discovered that I also needed to get my teaching certification. So whilst I was searching for a certification program I discovered that it would be better if I went through a university and not an online program. That narrowed my search down a lot. Either UT or Texas State. Both have the teaching certification, but then as I was thinking about it I figured that if I am going to go through a university I might as well get my masters at the same time. So I decided to get my masters at Texas State because it was the only school that had a physical education program and it is a very reputable in that area. So I literally just applied! So crazy! I can't believe I am doing this. I hate school, but for some reason I am going back for the heck of it. My exact major would be the Masters and Certification program which entails physical education, sport science, and foundations of coaching. It is perfect for what I want. I can get it all done in 3 semester (Summer, Fall, Spring). So if I get a coaching position I will also be going to school. If I don't get a coaching position I get to be a full time student and apply again fully certified next year.
Is that a good plan? I am actually excited to be able to get to go to school with out swimming for the first time in my life. So now all I need to do is figure out what I will teach for my certification. Not math or Science. I would like to teach something fun.
Hannah is coming to visit me in 2 weeks!! I am so happy!!! YAY!! Then I am going to Utah May 2-12th for my cousins wedding. I have no idea what I will be doing this summer except get as many class hours in as possible. I miss NZ. I am currently planning and figuring out the next time I will be down there. The best thing about being a teacher is that you get the whole summer off and 3 weeks during X-Mas! Loads of paid vacation time! Well I believe that's it for now. Life is so unpredictable.
You guys will have so much fun together! I am not sure if you have seen Oliver yet, but he is amazing and is getting taller, stronger, and smarter every day! He looks so much like Evan and Hannah! Glad to hear you guys will be able to get together soon. Hope all is well for you! Love, Claire