The craziest Texas storm I have ever seen hit Austin Wednesday night. I happened to be working during a lovely sunny day when a very black ominous looking cloud started coming in our direction. From my past experience I knew that the weather would change drastically in a matter of minutes. I pulled everyone out of the water and me and the other coaches hid in the office. With in 10 min of seeing the distance black cloud we were hit with insane weather! The temperature dropped 20 degrees instantly and hail and lightning were so loud that we had to yell in order to hear anything. The hail started off as a dime and then quickly increased to a quarter, then a golf ball, then practically baseball sized. The pool looked like it was exploding, the ground was completely covered in white. It was the coolest thing I have ever seen! Unfortunately my I didn't have my camera with me so I had to wait until it all passed and I got home to take pictures. By the time I took a picture the hail had melted quite a bit, but it was still huge. Majority of the cars had significant amounts of damage. I thought mine would be destroyed, but the windows were all in tact. Truly a miracle. It is, however, incredibly dented. I feel bad for all the car dealerships around.
Hannah flew in the morning after and got to see the devastation first hand. Nothing like Katrina or anything, but poor Austin rarely takes a beating like this so it was shocking for those of us who live here. It was incredibly foggy and gloomy. I told her that we would be going to a restaurant on the lake to watch the sunset that night. keeping with Texas tradition of freakish weather changes, about 2 hours later it was clear blue sky's and we got to witness one of the best sunsets ever. Over the past couple days we have had amazing weather and went to a lot of places in Austin that I have never been to. Really beautiful museums and parks.
So this is the documentation of the trip so far.
That hail storm sounded nuts. I have never seen hail stones that big. Crazy!