Saturday, December 12, 2009

The best sport (no NOT swimming) for getting inshape!!

As a retired swimmer I have searched far and wide for the best alternative to swimming. I want the full body workout that produces intense pain that every athlete craves. Since my experiences with swimming left a bad taste in my mouth and I have been blessed with my tiny heart, I have been in search of something that could satisfy my cravings.

I have found the answer people! Rowing! I have obtained the swimmer physic that I have been lacking from rowing. I don't know what it is about it, but the best part is that I don't feel like I am working out at all. Nothing will ever be as painful as swimming, but rowing provides just as good of a workout with out feeling like I am going to pass out. I must admit I was very apprehensive about it at first, but my doctors were adamant that I do it because it has been proved to be the most effective way to increase heart size. You would think that swimming would be the best, but apparently not. Maybe its the fact that its one of the only other sports that involves water and strokes or that the scenery's are so much better than staring at the bottom of a pool, but it is something I will recommend to every retired swimmer as the answer to their workout problems.

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