Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Life will go on

I usually don't talk about any prospective jobs or opportunities I am pursuing for fear that I get rejected and I then have to go back and be forced to talk about it. Unfortunately this is one of those times. I didn't get selected for swim camp. Definitely I downer and something I actually let myself hope for. I usually handle these things by mourning in solitude, but I went against my better judgment and told people what I was doing. Won't be happening again. I knew it was a long shot in the first place, but it was my last hope of getting out of coaching summer league this year. There has been so much drama on the team I am currently with that it has almost killed me. I needed a break so badly, but it wasn't meant to be. So for those of you who read this and actually see me, don't talk to me about it. I don't want to be reminded. The only happy thought I can procure from this is that maybe there is going to be an earth quake in Austin (since they are becoming quite the fashion these days) and that the whole of UT will be lost in a black abyss and I will be the grateful survivor because I was not at swim camp. Yes, it all makes sense now. Swim camp is not worth getting crushed by a building. I leave for a trip to NYC to see Erika in a couple days and it could not have come at a better time, she is the best!

I think I need to watch a devastatingly depressing movie. Oh Hannah, this is where we would be making a trip to some fantastic indian place and stuff our faces until the pain goes away and find something to laugh about. We were so good at making each other feel better. OK i am done being dramatic. Life will go on.

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